Best Bites Round-up!
Sharing nutrition, wellness, and fitness information has been such a pleasure for the past year or so! I am amazed and grateful at how many readers have tuned in! Fresh-you pages have been viewed nearly 30,000 times, and Fresh-you's 500th fan recently joined :) THANK YOU everyone for reading, trying new things, and telling a friend about fresh-you!
This is a quick round-up of some of my FAVORITE and most VALUABLE (nutrition/health-wise) foods!
#1 CHIA an amazing source of sturdy nutrients. Chia can be added to just about anything. When I consume it regularly, I feel fewer cravings and even feel hungry much less often!
#2 BROCCOLI has been shown to actually reverse CANCER! There is a ton of reliable research with promising conclusions! Actually, the entire class of cruciferous veggies are responsible for such cancer protection :)
Veggie artwork by Saxton Freymann |
#4 WALNUTS the queen of all nuts! All nuts are fantastic nutritional source, and the more you have from a handful a week to a handful a day, instead of unhealthy fats, improves your health in a variety of measurable ways, from heart health to inflammation and cancer protection!
#5 AVOCADO is another healthy fat source that is simple to use and oh so savory to taste!
#6 SWEET POTATOES / Pumpkin haven't been specifically highlighted that I can recall, but they fit so well with these other spectacular foods, so I wanted them to be included here anyway! High fiber, healthy carbs, sweet flavor, loads of vitamins and phytochemicals, and super convenient!
QUICK TIP: Simplest/fastest way to prepare: pierce a potato a few times with a fork, pop it into the microwave for 5-8 min (depending on size), cut open, and enjoy!