POLYPHENOLS, FIBER, PROTEIN, and CAFFEINE are the magical ingredients in these treats that'll help kick your cravings!
Many of my recipes -- you could eat all day long, as much as you want! For example, LARABALLS, CHOCOLATY GOODNESS, and POWER PUDDING!
Unlike MY recipes, THESE products are TREATS, best eaten as a substitute for something else, less healthy for you. Like the coffee sticks you'll see below, they are a piece of sugary candy! Still, having a coffee with one, is worlds healthier than any flavored coffee you might purchase at Starbucks!
These Dark Chocolate-Covered EDAMAME BEANS are so yummy, with some PROTEIN, FIBER, and a great crunch! Trader Joe's also offers delicious chocolate covered ESPRESSO beans, which provide fiber, along with an energy KICK from the caffeine! They are SUPER-YUMMY!
Many of my recipes -- you could eat all day long, as much as you want! For example, LARABALLS, CHOCOLATY GOODNESS, and POWER PUDDING!
Unlike MY recipes, THESE products are TREATS, best eaten as a substitute for something else, less healthy for you. Like the coffee sticks you'll see below, they are a piece of sugary candy! Still, having a coffee with one, is worlds healthier than any flavored coffee you might purchase at Starbucks!
These Dark Chocolate-Covered EDAMAME BEANS are so yummy, with some PROTEIN, FIBER, and a great crunch! Trader Joe's also offers delicious chocolate covered ESPRESSO beans, which provide fiber, along with an energy KICK from the caffeine! They are SUPER-YUMMY!

These dark chocolate PEPPERMINT STICKS are primarily sugar -- however, for 17 CALORIES, you can enjoy a lovely flavored cup of coffee! It provides great flavor even with a good part of the stick remaining after I drink my cup! Also, if you're going to splurge on candy -- this provides a great source of PORTION CONTROL -- individually wrapped treats -- eat one and walk away!
From Heinen's I think!
If you can't find this product, 1/2 of a red and white mint (or 1 peppermint Altoid) and 1/2 a square of dark chocolate also do the trick!
OR half of a small York Peppermint Patty!
They all give great flavor! Plus, a lot of candy, with this method, or the stick, is left at the bottom, so you can have all the flavor, adding almost NO calories!
These Dark Chocolate-Covered BANANA BARS are yummy! The inside is banana -- nothing else.
The chocolate ingredients are like that of many dark chocolates -- with some sugar and vegetable fat, but certainly beat milk chocolate! Plus, these snacks as a whole are such a better choices than any candy bar! From Heinen's I think!...both were gifts from a frequent Heinen's shopper!
For more on the many BENEFITS OF CHOCOLATE and how to make sure you really get all those benefits click HERE! For HEART Health and Chocolate click HERE!
COMMENTS: Does a small snack like this meet your craving, or are you left wanting more? If you have frequent cravings a change in your diet OR more sleep may reduce your cravings!
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