Prior to your consultation, we will briefly discuss your main concerns and what you wish to achieve by working with me. Additionally, I will provide instructions on what I will need in order to best plan your individualized instruction.
A consultation consists of a diet analysis, as well as a fitness evaluation, and brief sleep and stress evaluations. Prior to your consultation, your diet will be analyzed for variety, moderation, and balance. Meal and serving sizes, food groups, and frequency of eating in your daily regimen will be evaluated. Overall nutritional adequacy will also be evaluated. These analyses will help gear your instruction toward your individual nutritional and habitual needs. Regarding fitness, your regular physical activity regimen will be evaluated. After completing the above anlyses, I will utilize your results to formulate my instruction toward your specific needs. I will discuss with you the results, and we will set measurable and achievable goals which will give you specific ways to feasibly implement the changes in your diet, fitness program, and lifestyle to improve your quality of life!
In future consultations, we will measure and discuss your successes, as well as obstacles that have been challenging. We will discuss further ways that you can make healthy changes in your life, as you can't do everything at once. Further goal-setting, as well as additional evaluations, such as body composition, fitness, and nutrient analyses may also be conducted.