I just have to say I am totally in awe of all of the wonderful information that is available to each and every one of us today via the world wide web! It is totally amazing! Choose a topic of interest, a fleeting question in your mind, and poof, in a moment you can watch or read information straight from the world-leading researcher in on that topic! Have a favorite author? Hear him speak on
www.youtube.com or
www.ted.com Then purchase that book from
www.amazon.com to be at your door in the next day or so, or request it from your library website and pick it up in a few days, or purchase an online copy and have it there on your screen within minutes! Have a taste for chocolate and peppermint? Have 200 recipes at your fingertips in a flash!
All recipes and
101 Cookbooks are great sites for recipes.
TED, by the way is an amazing source that presents new presentations each day from leading professionals in a variety of topics, from art to prosthetics. It's slogan is "ideas worth spreading", and it's potential is astounding!
Reliable sources are extremely abundant!, but make sure you are using websites that are not just trying to sell something. Examples of safe sites are those from the government, colleges and universities, non-profit organizations, and your local library.