Saturday, March 9, 2013

Guess What Can Do ALL This?!?!??!

#1 Daily jolt of happiness, lift in mood (increased serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels), decreased stress, increase sense of well being and health

#2 Daily sense of accomplishment, productivity

#3 Daily steps toward increased fitness

#4 Increased energy and motivation for everyday tasks

#5 Deceased blood pressure 24 hours a day!

#6 Better sleep

#7 Curbed appetite for junk

#8 Improved memory (almost forgot that one!)

#9 .....YOU fill this one in :)

#10 Better self-esteem, can it not, knowing all #1-9 are happening!

BONUS (and giveaway): Daily exercise makes it EASIER for my mind and body/muscles/legs to actually get started each time.

EVERYONE has challenges -- some of mine are a husband who travels, and three little ones.  Often, I run a lot within a few days (perhaps 30 miles in three days), and then take up to 5 days off.  Each time I get started again, I have to talk myself and my muscles into getting moving.

In contrast, running daily, my mind and muscles are so accustomed to the habit, that I do it without even thinking, like brushing my teeth, any time of day.  I am TOTALLY LOVING my NEW HABIT for ALL of the ABOVE REASONS (and certainly MORE!)!

HERE IS WHAT I DO: Challenge #2
and have done, ever since my 6YO came up with the resolution for me on New Year's Day, 2013!

My promise: run ONE MILE each day.  If you're walking, say a half mile.  This is a 10-minute daily commitment (and what I (AND YOU WILL) get is ALL OF THE ABOVE!  Sweet bargain!

After just a few weeks, it will become easier, and will get progressively easier for the next six weeks!  Check out a post about forming a NEW HABIT!

Awesome slideshow of Mind-Blowing Benefits of Exercise, from US News and World Report: Health

COMMENTS?  Want to give it a try?  YOU CAN DO IT!  What benefits do you enjoy?  Look forward to?

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