Tuesday, April 9, 2019

An Inspiration for Creativity and a Tasty Snack

For this week,
1) Boston Marathon's pre-race non-dairy dinner sponsor!
2) an inspiring National Geographic video!
3) and a simple and oh so tasty snack! 

I'm settling nicely into my taper, and getting excited to have another try at the Boston Marathon! It's been 6 years since my first experience in an extraordinary year! 2013 Boston Marathon Post: Heartbreak Like None Other . As a sign of a change in the times, it's exciting that the pre-race dinner is sponsored by a non-dairy brand - Almond Breeze! You used to hear so much about chocolate milk for athletes; heck, I even gave that advice years ago! Now, Canada isn't recommending dairy, and Boston Marathon is open to alternatives!

Dewitt Jones

Get ready to feel full (of life) and fired up and overflowing and compassionate and inspired by Dewitt Jones, an amazing National Geographic photographer!

"There is more than one right answer" -- Dewitt Jones

Celebrate What’s Right in the World!
(Click on words above to see TED talk video)

Please also click here for Dewitt Jones' Gallery showing what's right with the world! Just click on an image and a set of breathtaking photos!

This is great page which combines Dewitt's most loved quotes with his beautiful photography. Check it out and share with a friend! Celebrate What's Right with the World Quotes

"Find guides - people who are in love with their life. See the world through their eyes" -- Dewitt Jones. Dewitt left the greatest impression on me when I first heard him talk, and he was speaking with a talented weaver, and asked her what she thinks about when she weaves, and her response still stays with me: "When I weave, I weave." It's a simple reminder of mindfulness, and staying IN the PRESENT moment. When I do, the peace I feel is a lot like Dewitt describes...full, in love, passionate! And I'll add a couple of my words: satisfied, bursting!

Ants-on-a-Log Salad

Here's a quick and satisfying snack! It contains 1) other veggies, 2) berries, and 3) nuts, and 4) flaxseed Daily Dozen Checkmarks!

Ants-on-a-Log Salad

3 stalks celery, chopped
1/4c raisins (always double-check that there is no sugar added)
1/4c peanuts (ideally unsalted)
1 Tbsp flaxseed, ground (optional)

Combine ingredients and enjoy!

You might also enjoy: Sweetly Stuffed Celery

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