Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with these tasty, versatile, and so-easy-to-make enchiladas! Feel free to vary the ingredients (little more or less of this or that) because every way I make this recipe it's a hit!
Soya chunks (used in this recipe) are sometimes used as croutons in India. This is a one-ingredient product: dehydrated soy. Once rehydrated, pieces take on a chewy, chickeny/meaty texture. Like tofu (and chicken!), it tastes like whatever flavor is added. It is a fabulous replacement for chicken in all of your favorite recipes; share your experiences in the comments below!
Easy Everyday Enchiladas
(at our house, we could eat them everyday!)
5-6 tomatoes, pureed (~2 c, or 14 oz can)
1-2 c soya chunks (optional; find these crouton-like pieces at any Indian grocer, or on Amazon)
4 c salsa (1 large jar)
1 block tofu (any firmness, organic preferred, drained, squeezed)
1 c chilies and tomatoes (10 oz can Rotel, no salt added is sometimes available)
4-5 c beans (any combo of black, refried, and pinto; about 3 cans; prepared from dry is delicious, easy, and cheap!)
1lb spinach, chopped (frozen works!)
1/2 c flaxseed, ground (try adding more and no one will notice!)
Whole wheat tortillas, 8 or so
Enchilada sauce (optional...you could add some of this on the bottom and on the top, but it's not needed, and we don't use it any more)
~Hydrate soya chunks by soaking in water in a cereal bowl, with a second cereal bowl on top to make sure the chunks are submerged.
~After a few minutes, press top bowl down and drain.
~In food processor, briefly shred soya chunks with 1 c salsa, then transfer to a large mixing bowl.
~Pour tomato puree into rectangular, glass baking pan.
~Next, blend tofu and 2 c salsa, and add this salmon-colored sauce to the mixing bowl.
~Add flax, spinach, all beans, chilies, and remaining salsa and stir everything together.
~Add heaping 1-cup scoops of filling to each tortilla, and roll it up a bit, and place in pan, repeat until pan is full.
~When pan is full, add extra filling on sides if there is room.
~Squish enchiladas down in the pan with a spatula, so all the tortillas are moist and everything is spread out evenly.
With extra filling, prepare a second small pan the same way, or in layers: filling, tortilla, filling, tortilla, etc.
~Bake for about 40 min at 350, and enjoy!
Great topped with salsa and/or guacamole!
*An alternative meal is to pump up poblano peppers with this enchilada filling!
**One more way to use the filling is to alternate flat layers of corn tortillas and filling, then bake. This makes a Mexican lasagna :)

This recipe provides plenty of Dr Greger Check Marks! 1) beans, 2) greens, 3) other veggies, 4) whole grains, and 5) flax !
See our other Mexican options HERE! Happy early Cinco de Mayo!
And for fun, a Holderness Family video: It's Gonna Be May!