Monday, December 24, 2012

Pomegranate Power!

Looking for a healthy "movie snack"?


This fruit is perfect for slowly nibbling away on something sweet while you watch your favorite show, movie, or one of the recommendations that I will be suggesting soon!  It takes me a good hour to sit and take my time eating a whole pomegranate!  If you want to get this fruit fast read below.

Have you ever heard that you actually burn calories eating celery (as in more than you're eating)?  I AM CERTAIN that must be the case for pomegranate!

Top 5 Reasons this fruit is Powerful!

#1 Dr Roizen says: Heart health -- improving good cholesterol (HDL), and reducing BLOOD PRESSURE and triglycerides!

#2 Dr Dean Ornish says: Cancer PREVENTION -- particularly prostate cancer, by reducing damage to DNA.  Others also note inhibition of leukemia, breast, and colon cancer.

#3 UCLA says: SKIN health -- increases effectiveness of sunscreen in humans AND inhibits skin cancer in mice!

#4 Dr Mark Liponis says: Help you lose BELLY fat!

#5 Dr Joel Fuhrman says: it can help treat and prevent DIABETES, erectile dysfunction, INFECTIONS, and ANTIBIOTIC resistance through antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.  He also notes potential to decrease depression AND build BONE mass.


  • It's messy!  
  • Each red, corn-kernel-like piece is called an anril.  
  • Cut the fruit open and pick anrils out one at a time; there are sections within the fruit.  Separate the red and white pieces and white paper-like sectional dividers.  
  • Eat each anril entirely, including the small, crunchy seed in the center.  
  • The whole fruit lasts up to two weeks at room temperature.  
  • You can extend shelf life by refrigerating (as with avocados!); plus, it TASTES great cold!

Get it FAST: Costco sells a great frozen bag of mixed berries which includes pomegranate anrils!  Trader Joe's also sells them all prepared in a bag in the fresh fruit section!  Trader Joe's has so many awesome things!

COMING SOON: movie recommendations

COMMENTS: What have YOU been up to for the last few weeks?  My brother was in intensive care, after a bicycle accident (without a helmet), and is finally on the mend, thank heavens!  Please wear a helmet when you ride a bicycle!

Friday, December 7, 2012

4 Terrific Tools for Picky Eaters

Here are some tools to help kids become more open to new foods!

1. Copy Kids dvd (on sale until Dec 9 #4 stocking stuffer)

So cool!  Your kids just watch other happy kids enjoying fresh fruits and veggies, such as broccoli!

2. Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hobermann

So cute!  A tale that culminates in seven picky kids all preparing, eating, and loving a new food, reducing their mom's hard work in the kitchen by hours and hours!

3. Tales for Very Picky Eaters by Josh Schneider

So funny!  Various separate stories, each convincing a questioning eater to try something like broccoli, for example, instead of alternatives like smelly, sweaty socks!
There is also an audio for this one...great for the car!

4. Fast FoodHow Are You Peeling?, Dog Food, One Lonely Sea Horse, Baby Food, Gus and Button, and Food for Thought, all by Saxton Freymann (astounding artist!)

So creative!  Every face, animal, truck, and skateboard is made amazingly, completely out of fruits and veggies!  Awesome tool for introducing new fruits and veggies, as well as helping kids to become more familiar with foods they don't see all the time!

Broccoli gets such a bad wrap!  AND it's one of the most amazing and widely available veggies around!  If these books and videos don't work, or if they do!, hopefully something here will also help your kids to eat their "trees"!

COMMENTS: Do you have any books or movies that help you get your kids to eat?  PLEASE SHARE!!  Green eggs, anyone?


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