This fruit is perfect for slowly nibbling away on something sweet while you watch your favorite show, movie, or one of the recommendations that I will be suggesting soon! It takes me a good hour to sit and take my time eating a whole pomegranate! If you want to get this fruit fast read below.
Have you ever heard that you actually burn calories eating celery (as in more than you're eating)? I AM CERTAIN that must be the case for pomegranate!
Top 5 Reasons this fruit is Powerful!
#1 Dr Roizen says: Heart health -- improving good cholesterol (HDL), and reducing BLOOD PRESSURE and triglycerides!
#2 Dr Dean Ornish says: Cancer PREVENTION -- particularly prostate cancer, by reducing damage to DNA. Others also note inhibition of leukemia, breast, and colon cancer.
#3 UCLA says: SKIN health -- increases effectiveness of sunscreen in humans AND inhibits skin cancer in mice!
#4 Dr Mark Liponis says: Help you lose BELLY fat!
#5 Dr Joel Fuhrman says: it can help treat and prevent DIABETES, erectile dysfunction, INFECTIONS, and ANTIBIOTIC resistance through antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. He also notes potential to decrease depression AND build BONE mass.
- It's messy!
- Each red, corn-kernel-like piece is called an anril.
- Cut the fruit open and pick anrils out one at a time; there are sections within the fruit. Separate the red and white pieces and white paper-like sectional dividers.
- Eat each anril entirely, including the small, crunchy seed in the center.
- The whole fruit lasts up to two weeks at room temperature.
- You can extend shelf life by refrigerating (as with avocados!); plus, it TASTES great cold!
Get it FAST: Costco sells a great frozen bag of mixed berries which includes pomegranate anrils! Trader Joe's also sells them all prepared in a bag in the fresh fruit section! Trader Joe's has so many awesome things!
COMING SOON: movie recommendations
COMMENTS: What have YOU been up to for the last few weeks? My brother was in intensive care, after a bicycle accident (without a helmet), and is finally on the mend, thank heavens! Please wear a helmet when you ride a bicycle!